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Posted 5 months ago
when preparing standards and samples for HPLC. how much of the internal standard do i add to each. does it vary or is it the same amount even in the standards? thank you
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
The amount of internal standard added to each sample and standard should be the same to ensure accurate and consistent results in HPLC analysis.
Consistency: The internal standard should be added in the same amount to both the samples and the standards to maintain consistency. This ensures that any variations in the response are due to the analyte and not the internal standard
Calculation: Determine the concentration of the internal standard that will be added to each sample and standard. This concentration should be chosen based on the sensitivity and detection limits of the HPLC method being used
Preparation: Prepare a stock solution of the internal standard at a known concentration. Add a fixed volume of this stock solution to each sample and standard. For example, if you decide to add 10 µL of the internal standard stock solution to each 1 mL of sample or standard, ensure this volume is consistent across all preparations
Key Concept
Consistent addition of internal standard
Adding the same amount of internal standard to each sample and standard ensures that the internal standard serves its purpose of correcting for any variations in sample injection and analysis, leading to more accurate and reliable results.

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