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World History
Posted 5 months ago
why did ancient peoples use rocks and bones as tools?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Ancient peoples used rocks and bones as tools because they were readily available, durable, and could be shaped into useful objects.
Key Concept
Tool-making and the use of technology in prehistory
Ancient peoples, including early hominids, used rocks and bones to make tools because these materials were abundant in their natural environments. Rocks could be chipped and flaked to create sharp edges for cutting, scraping, or hunting, while bones could be fashioned into tools or weapons. These materials were the first to be used by humans for tools because they did not require advanced technology to manipulate and were strong enough to be effective for various tasks. The development of stone tools marks a significant evolutionary step in human history, leading to the Paleolithic era, characterized by the use of such tools.

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