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Posted 5 months ago
why is fungi important for us? what would we be missing in a world without fungi?
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Fungi play a crucial role in ecosystems and human life. Without fungi, we would miss out on essential ecological functions and benefits.
Decomposition: Fungi are primary decomposers in ecosystems, breaking down dead organic matter and recycling nutrients back into the soil. Without fungi, nutrient cycling would be severely disrupted, leading to a buildup of organic waste and a decline in soil fertility
Symbiotic Relationships: Many plants rely on mycorrhizal fungi to enhance water and nutrient absorption. Without these fungi, plant growth and health would be compromised, affecting agriculture and natural ecosystems
Medicine: Fungi are a source of antibiotics (e.g., penicillin) and other pharmaceuticals. Without fungi, we would lose these critical medical resources
Food Production: Fungi are used in the production of various foods and beverages, such as bread, beer, and cheese. A world without fungi would lack these important food products
Key Concept
Fungi are essential decomposers and symbionts in ecosystems.
Fungi break down dead organic matter, recycle nutrients, and form symbiotic relationships with plants, enhancing their growth. They also contribute to medicine and food production.

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