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Posted 5 months ago
why is it bad to have exchange with repeats within heterochromatin domain during homologous recombination
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Answer from Sia
Posted 5 months ago
Exchange with repeats within heterochromatin during homologous recombination can lead to genomic instability and aberrant chromosomal rearrangements.
Heterochromatin structure: Heterochromatin is tightly packed DNA which makes it less accessible for the recombination machinery
Repeat sequences: Heterochromatin regions often contain repeat sequences that can misalign during recombination
Risk of deletions or duplications: Misalignment can lead to deletions or duplications of genetic material, which can be harmful
Potential for disease: Such genomic alterations can disrupt gene function and lead to diseases
Key Concept
Homologous recombination within heterochromatin repeats is risky due to the potential for genomic instability.
The tightly packed nature of heterochromatin and the presence of repeat sequences increase the likelihood of improper recombination events, which can result in harmful chromosomal rearrangements.

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